Venue Room Hire Pricing (From September 2019)

We currently have 2 rooms available for hire. Rooms are charged per hour at 3 different rates depending on whether you are a community, standard or commercial user. There is a discount for booking both rooms together and rates are slightly higher at weekends and evenings after 6pm. Please note room hire includes use of kitchen for self catering.

Community User

Community groups and individuals, charities and voluntary groups

Area Mon - Fri (up to 6pm) Evening / Weekend
Mackie Hall  £16 £18
Ingham's Room £12 £14
Both £24 £28
Equipment hire £15 £15

Standard User

Use this option for local businesses, educational institutions

Area Mon - Fri (up to 6pm) Evening / Weekend
Mackie Hall  £18 £22
Ingham's Room £14 £16
Both £28 £34
Equipment Hire £15 £15

Commercial User

Use this option for business and commercial organisations, large statutory and public organisations

Area Mon - Fri (up to 6pm) Evening / Weekend
Mackie Hall  £22 £24
Ingham's Room £16 £18
Both £35 £38
Equipment Hire £15 £15